Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still waiting...

After my vent session last night and my day of prayer today, I wanted to update you quickly. (as I need to remain, or gain, focus at work)

My dad and I chatted this morning. The cardiologist came in after his echo and didn't find anything with his heart. This is good news... praise God!

The "arg" news is that we still don't know whats up. The diagnosis of heart failure was really giving us a clearer picture of could be happening and has been happening. And so, we wait. God is here though, amen? I'm trying to remain in His presence as He remains in mine.

He said to me "Seek my face", and my heart continually says to Him "Your face I will seek". And so it is today... still waiting, still anxious, but seeking His face in decisions, in the health of my earthly father, and gaining strength from my eternal one.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, read the previous post!

love and peace will always come...


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