Hello all. I recognize that in my last update, which was like 3 days ago, I appeared quite pathetic. I wrote it in tears, after having fasted & still been sick I was really upset. I wouldn’t say that I am completely over “it”, but I am walking in confidence in the Lord’s healing. As we continue to pray things improve. I’m beginning to wonder if I am sick, or if I am just lactose intolerant?!
Well, the past couple days have been wonderful. Especially today, being Saturday & a much needed day of rest, I went to a play called “Dead Talk”. This was a play my host, Philip Gitau, was in. It was in a morgue, and the spirits of dead people were talking to each other about their lives, how they lived, and what’s after death. Apparently after this play (being completely secular) many people gave their lives to Christ! Hopefully it is a true life change & not just“scared of Hell” repentance. Either way it was nice. Following the play, my friends Adam & Craig accompanied me to a beautiful restaurant called “The Moon Flower”. If you ever come to Nairobi, this is a must. It was one of the most beautiful restaurants I have ever been to in my entire life! Needless to say this much anticipated evening turned out to be splendid. I give God the glory & thanks for this day in Kenya. They were laughing at me because for the first 15 minutes of dinner I simply could not stop smiling. This picture was taken of me after dinner.
Thank you for your prayers. I would ask that you would keep them up. Trust me, there is a battle going on here, and I know that God can & will win! Please just keep praying for victory!
As for everything else, Nairobi is getting colder, but it’s nice. The rains are consistent, which is good for a land that has so many droughts. Time has been going a bit slow, perhaps because of me being sick, and the rains. But I think in May I will turn a new leaf! There is a lot to do with Tanari; events to plan, offices to organize, etc. It should be a good month!
PLEASE NOTE: If anyone would like to meet Mo, he will be at my house in Carmel, on the evening of May 4th. Just let any of my sisters know, or my parents. He’ll have lots of pictures for you to see & stories about me to tell.
Thanks blog readers. You’re awesome!
More adventures to come….
1 comment:
Katie- so glad to hear your past couple days have been refreshing and awesome! Please pray for an easy removal of my 4 wisdom teeth tomorrow and that i have a quick recovery- got things to do and apartments to move out of ya know? Unfortunately this surgery is happening may 4th, which means ill probably still be out of it that evening.. :( I was hoping to see Mo, but maybe i can get the low-down from your parents before I leave for kamp... miss you and love you!
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