What a glorious day we celebrate today. EASTER. Jesus' rising from the dead. Doesn't that cry out a hallelujah in your soul? If it doesn't - you're missing out.
I wanted to write again because today at church I was overcome by the gift it is to have assurance of salvation. But more than that, to know one who loves me as much as God does. I know most of you are familiar with John 3:16 "God so loved the world, that He gave His only son..." Its almost as if we've allowed that verse to be watered down. We've heard it so many times. On signs, on bags from stores, on cars, and maybe even on a t-shirt. But if you take it apart and allow your mind to marinate on it you'll be astonished and blown away by the power behind it.
God - the infinite, holy, unparalleled, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator the universe, creator of YOU, righteous, just, all-knowing, mighty, Emmanuel, Great I am, Prince of Peace, Living God, Ancient of Days, Alpha, Omega, Messiah, Loving GOD.
HE had a Son, and sent Him to die. FOR YOU. And for me! That is love my friends. A love that is only known by Him, through Him, and for Him. After death, comes life. And that life is what we celebrate today. Amen?
Man... after singing one of my all time favorite worship songs today "Sing to the King" I thought I would lose my voice, that my feet would never stop moving, that my arms couldn't get high enough, and surely my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.
For His returning we watch and we pray
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We’ll join in singing with all the redeemed
‘Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We’ll join in singing with all the redeemed
‘Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King
That is the truth that we can cling to. That is the absolute steadfast truth that will never change. And that hope only comes through knowing the God of the universe.
Ya'll - I am thankful that Jesus is my God. There is so much more to live for, and death isn't death. It is "falling asleep in Jesus". I pray that today you will know this hope - and if you don't that you would inquire about it. Pick up a Bible, start in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John and you'll have a good picture of what I'm talking about.
He is risen - He is risen indeed. Lets celebrate.
A daughter of the King